Memory attitudes. Your attitude is your thought process which come from your conscious and sub-conscious memory. The trick is the ability to recall and use every positive emotion, event, and feeling and keeping it present in everything you do. That positive high that lets you stay positive and accomplish any goal and deal with any adversity that comes before you with focus, patience, confidence, and creativity. All that leaves you with a feeling of high self-esteem, joy, love of self and sense of triumph over all adversity and the freedom to live life on a continual Free High TM.
Hi, my name is Joe Verola. Coming from a marketing and sales background I have learned that POSITIVE self-critique is a must in daily living. Working for major corporations I have been subjected to countless self-help materials including books, audio tapes, and motivational guest speakers. Furthermore, I have purchased and listened to numerous motivational programs such as Tony Robbins and others. To top it off I wanted the ultimate control of my mind, my life, so I studied self-hypnosis and graduated from the "New York Institute of Hypnotherapy."
After completing this course and receiving my credentials I created my first self-hypnosis tape, Free Writing, with the assistance of Sydney Petrie, who established the Institute of Hypnotherapy in 1957. I then marketed "Free Writing" through the Writer's Guild News Letter. It was those fundamentals and techniques used to create "Free Writing" that I carried over to the "Free High TM Concept."
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